Thursday, April 21, 2011

Minutes/results from March 4th Meeting

Notes and Action Items from March 4th WSC Project Meeting

In Attendance: Tom Meixner, Tom Maddock, David Brookshire, Craig Broadbent, Don Corsey, Julie Stromberg, Amanda Zuchi, Keith Nelson, Katherine Bao, Jennifer Duan, Bai Yang, Kirsten Neff, Imam Mallakpour, Enrique Vivoni, Augustin Robles, David Plane, Francina Dominguez


Vivoni ASU - Enrique’s group needs the shapefile from the groundwater model.

Meixner/Maddock UA - Groundwater Model- The southern portion of the basin has an improved hydrologic characterization – this is why we used the Pool and Dickinson model.. In the north, the confined aquifer’s characterization is still not ready – we will have to wait about a year. Should we use the Anderson equation? The tRIBS model will replace the Anderson equation.

Needs: Historical pumping data, agricultural recharge, population growth and projected increased municipal water use in the basin, downscaled regional climate model.

Vivoni ASU- Will use the 35km downscaled climate model results to do a continuous run and use as an initialization for the 10km downscaled climate model results (which will only be available for 10 year time slices).

David Plane - Conclusion: The wells follow the people!

Dave Brookshire: We would like maps of wet/dry of the river through time.

Groundwater Model - Modflow has a 3D grid. The aquifer sees 500-year climate while the river sees the short-scale climate. This is why we need the tRIBS to characterize the river and get the seasonal variation in recharge and discharge correct. The simplified model of the interactions between the river and the groundwater captures the general pattern of summer floodwater in riparian groundwater – this model agrees with isotope data. We can adjust for pumping through the model.

Beavers? We don’t really have the scientific understanding to include beavers.

Is the importance of flood recharge a result of a natural property of the system or is it due to anthropogenic influence.

Brookshire: What is the baseline? We are stuck with today!

Plane: Does the location of the wells matter? In the short term yes, in the long term no.

Groundwater Models: Wet/Dry scenarios can be used to construct thresholds. Sources of water shift between wet and dry scenarios.

Model Scott C. Simpson (Modeling stream-aquifer interactions during floods and baseflow).

Using tRIBS will give them the lateral contributions to the main stem.

We need to have a consistent treatment of channel losses and coordinate between models – know the physics of infiltration losses. Rewati has some more recent results on this,

Duan: tRIBS – rectangular cross-section of river. Sediment

Jennifer needs center of channel network.

Sediment model needs:

-upland soil erosion from each cell

- Jennifer thinks that one-dimensional unsteady flow model is the best approach to do this. Begin with one-dimensional and then go to two-dimensional.

- Model predicts how much flow will recharge and this has already been done. Scour or deposition occurs because of the non-equilibrium conditions in the flow. Stochastic channel bank erosion. Channel planform evolution and riparian corridor prediction.

We need to focus on first order effects on sediment transport (probably temperature effects on viscosity is not first order.)

Use Laursen’s equation for sediment transport – USDA recommends. Non-equilibrium bed load transport model.

Selective transport model by size.

Julie: How do we deal with shear stress and the relationship with vegetation. How do we deal with this?

Jennifer will be able to simulate either on an event by event basis or continuous. There is more certainty on the shear stress.

Jennifer will feed information to Julie. Julie needs seed beds.

We will look at the migration of the river corridor and the location of riparian vegetation.

Julie Stromberg

Is trying to see if she should use a temporal or spatial approach. The spatial approach would be bulked, Enrique thinks that model space will be a good place to explore the link between spatial and temporal approach.

We will need to go from reach 1 to reach 11, and this will define the entire zone for the San Pedro.

Three links will give us an idea of restoration- at 3links we have an increase in the Marshland. Is there hydrologic knowledge at 3links?

The input data needed is the spatial cover (%) of perennial flow within each reach.

The output is woody condition by reach.

How long does it take for the cottonwoods to die?

Group discussion on meaning

are there actual thresholds and discontinuities how do we define these?

Develop some synthetic pathways of groundwater and biological change. In both spatial and temporal variability?

250 m resolution of groundwater MODFLOW model

Economists – stay over meeting

What make a place special? - San Pedro – birds, fly ways water

What do birds want? How do these things vary in time?

How do people think about what birds want?


A) Time lapsed - current conditions, 5 years, 50 years

B) Show water trees birds across time space

C) From perspective zoom into reaches walk about

D) Iterate through different scenarios

Do we get to thresholds?

Paths - Current conditions to future how does drying or wetting play out?

1) Synthetic Pathways - Discontinuous - versus smooth

2) There may be difference between biophysical and resulting behavioral pathways.

3) End points

4) Use condition class reach classification.

Next Steps- Timeline for Valuation Group-

March: CE lit on bundles, literature on comparing trajectories

April- Pathways from Tom, schematic of the structure of valuation and resulting questions, outline of story board.

May - Who will puttogether the movie?

Juen Structure of valuation framework

September - Test story voards - focus group

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